centos7 ag安装错误解决

IT-Pony 2017-11-15 AM 2575℃ 0条


  • 报错信息

    configure: error: Package requirements (libpcre) were not met:

    No package 'libpcre' found

    Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
    installed software in a non-standard prefix.

    Alternatively, you may set the environment variables PCRE_CFLAGS
    and PCRE_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
    See the pkg-config man page for more details.

  • 解决方法
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig


  • 报错信息

    configure: error: Package requirements (liblzma) were not met:

    No package 'liblzma' found

    Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
    installed software in a non-standard prefix.

    Alternatively, you may set the environment variables LZMA_CFLAGS
    and LZMA_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
    See the pkg-config man page for more details.

  • 解决方法
     yum -y install xz-devel
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